Virtual Showroom

  • A multipurpose 3D modular setup connected to the web.

  • The venue layout can easily change to meet the event purpose.

  • The 3D imagery and web hypertexts are quickly replaceable.

  • Live videos integration.

3D streaming excerpt

The 3D content can be accessible online from any device and platform using one of the 2 following techniques:


  • An immersive online experience similar to a videogame environment.

  • Fully customizable 3D environment.

  • Running online on any device and platform.

  • No download, just connect and play on demand.

OPTION#2 > VIRTUAL 360 (demo below):

  • Virtual 360 is an interactive tour done by static panorama images and multimedia contents.

  • Interactive 360 degree environment.

  • Fully customizable 3D and multimedia content.

  • Cost effective solution, low publishing cost.