Studio/Temp designs narrative architectures for brands, institutions and experiential agencies.

We combine architecture and interior design with light, graphics and cutting edge digital technology in order to design innovative and memorable knowledge experiences.

Our design process is in 3D, it revolves around the development of VR mock-ups, AI tools and parametric prototyping, useful to preview and illustrate in detail all features of the designed space prior to the detailed design.

Our spatial concepts and architectural designs are conceived site-specific, brand-specific and multiple-reality, leading to innovative and tangible experiences for actual physical constructs and/or virtual reality applications.

Through a rich and continuous dialogue with our clients we customize projects and strategies, starting from the specific contents of the brand and from the uniqueness of the culture and the quality of places.


Often with us:

Alibek Atahanov, Marco Barazzuoli, Nuria Bernal Rivera, Bruno Cimmino, Alessio Galatolo, Davide Vizzini